
AAC Connect
Malting - 2-Row Malting Barley
High YieldFeature
Best FHB ResistanceFeature
Short, Strong StrawGreat yield potential and excellent malt quality attributes.
Let's Connect Over a Beer.
Best FHB resistance in its class with superior yield and short, strong straw.
- High yielding
- Short, strong straw
- Heavier and plumper kernels
- Higher malt extract and friability
- Lower wort viscosity and beta glucan content
- Malt quality similar to AC Metcalfe
- Included on the CMBTC variety recommended list
AAC Connect is listed as “Growing Demand” on The Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre’s Recommended List for 2025-26.

AAC Connect two-row malting barley has the disease resistance and straw strength we look for to preserve malt quality. It’s the next level compared to the older varieties.
Gordon Moellenbeck
Englefeld, Saskatchewan