New Kyron

  • UPOV 91 PBR

White Milling Oat

A new milling oat with high yield potential (similar to CS Camden), similar heigh with CS Camden with good standability, earlier maturity compared with current varieties (-3d vs. CDC Ruffian, -2d vs. CDC Endure, -1d vs. CDC Arborg).

  • Very early maturity
  • High yield potential
  • Excellent milling quality
  • High leaf biomass suitable for the forage and silage growers
Growing Zone
All oats growing areas: AB, SK, MB
Lodging Resistance
Very Good
Stem Rust Resistance
Crown Rust Resistance
Smut Resistance

Didn't find the current product's title Kyron(with asterisks removed) in the $varietiesWithPerformanceData array.For soem reason, cs4100LL* is one of these cases

Kyron Seed Retailers

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