The importance of comparing pre- and post-registration data for disease ratings.
New research by Manitoba Agriculture shows FHB levels for AAC Cameron VB are the lowest among all the CWRS varieties tested.
The team of researchers, which includes Holly Derksen, Pam de Rocquigny and Craig Linde, set out to evaluate how spring wheat varieties tested post-registration in the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Trials (MCVET) responded to natural infections of FHB. They measured DON and FDK from harvest samples of 72 different spring wheat varieties, at 14 MCVET sites, over six years (2009-2015).
The study points to the importance of comparing pre- and post-registration data for disease ratings. Currently, varieties with improved resistance to FHB are available in Manitoba, but the three-year testing presented in SEED MANITOBA provides only a limited comparison to other varieties, and over a limited number of locations.
The full findings of the report can be found here.
For example, AAC Cameron VB was assigned an ‘Intermediate’ rating to FHB at registration. However, the study shows this variety has the lowest mean FDK and DON when compared to all other CWRS wheat varieties tested. As the researchers say:
“It is important to evaluate disease resistance of varieties pre- and post-registration. Multi-year multi-site data will increase accuracy in predicting variety reaction to FHB.”
See how the varieties stack up. The full comparison chart of all the CWRS varieties tested is included below (click to make larger).