
CS3200 TF
TruFlex® canola
PodProtectTM shatter toleranceFeature
Excellent clubroot resistanceFeature
Excellent standabilityHigh-yielding, full maturity TruFlex® canola hybrid featuring PodProtectTM for excellent pod shatter protection. Full disease package with excellent blackleg and clubroot resistance.
- Excellent straight cut and yield potential featuring our PodProtectTM trait
- Mid-full season hybrid suitable for mid – long season growing zones
- 1st and 2nd generation clubroot resistance
- Blackleg resistance R-C
Yield Results from 2023 - BALCARRES - SYNERGY AG
- Crop:
- Canola
- Province:
- Saskatchewan
- Year:
- 2023
CS3200 TF | 49.3 | TRUFLEX | YES | PodProtectTM |
CS3100 TF | 47.7 | TRUFLEX | YES | PodProtectTM |
Dekalb DK901TF | 47.7 | TRUFLEX | YES | YES |
Brett Young BY 6211TF | 47.7 | TRUFLEX | NO | YES |
Croplan CP22T1C | 47.7 | TRUFLEX | YES | YES |
Proven PV 781 TCM | 46.9 | TRUFLEX | YES | YES |
Victory V25-5T | 46.9 | TRUFLEX | YES | NO |
Proven PV 761 TM | 46.5 | TRUFLEX | NO | YES |
CS3000 TF | 45.3 | TRUFLEX | YES | YES |
Brett Young BY 6217TF | 45.3 | TRUFLEX | YES | YES |
Proven PV 881 OCM | 45.3 | OPTIMUM GLY | YES | YES |
Brevant B4015 | 43.7 | OPTIMUM GLY | YES | YES |
Seed Retailers
*Shatter rating is based off current data and is subject to change. The rating is based on the Canola Council of Canada shatter scale.
ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, an active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Agricultural herbicides containing glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Roundup Ready® and TruFlex® are trademarks of Bayer Group, used under license.