
Our Spring (Wheat) Varieties
Spring - Canada Western Red Spring
High Yield PotentialFeature
Excellent Rust ResistanceFeature
Good StandabilityA high yielding variety with excellent disease protection and great physical and functional quality.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Prairie Spring Red
Very High Yield PotentialFeature
Excellent StandabilityFeature
Early MaturityHigh yielding in a short strong straw package, combined with excellent rust resistance.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Western Red Spring
High YieldFeature
Early MaturityFeature
Broad AdaptabilityAn early maturing variety with excellent disease protection and quality properties.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Western Red Spring
High YieldFeature
Early MaturityFeature
Excellent Rust ResistanceAn early maturing variety with excellent stripe rust protection and higher protein content.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Western Red Spring
Highest Yielding CWRSFeature
Best FHB ResistanceFeature
Resistant to Wheat MidgeA high yielding, awned, CWRS with resistance to the orange blossom wheat midge.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Western Red Spring
Excellent Grade and Colour RetentionFeature
High Yield PotentialFeature
Excellent Disease Resistance PackageAwnless semi-dwarf with high yield potential, suited to intensive management.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Prairie Spring Red
High YieldFeature
Excellent Rust ResistanceFeature
Suitable for IrrigationEarly maturing and high yielding semi-dwarf variety that is suitable for all growing zones.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Western Red Spring
Early MaturityFeature
Good Lodging ResistanceFeature
Unique Rust Resistance GenesEarly maturity and rust resistance make it suited to a broad geography.View all variety details -
Spring - Canada Prairie Spring
High yielding CPS with excellent disease resistanceView all variety details