
Western Canadian Seed Company Celebrates 25-year Anniversary with $25,000 for Rural Communities

MARCH 18, 2021, WINNIPEG – CANTERRA SEEDS Ltd., a farmer-owned company, is walking the walk on its commitment to Western Canadian communities as it celebrates its 25th year anniversary. CANTERRA SEEDS was founded by nine Western Canadian seed growers and has been deeply rooted and growing in the Prairies ever since.

To recognize this landmark anniversary while giving back to the people and places who have been instrumental in reaching this point, CANTERRA SEEDS is unveiling its “Rooted in the Prairies Project” at a special invite-only virtual event held today. Through this new charitable giving campaign, CANTERRA SEEDS will donate a total of $25,000 to local charities and causes near and dear to Western Canadian seed growers and farmers.

The company’s seed grower shareholders in each of its nine territories can nominate causes in their area that are eligible to receive $2,500 from CANTERRA SEEDS. The company will also donate another $2,500 to a cause to be selected from nominations made by farmers from across Western Canada, encompassing all nine territories. Beneficiaries of Rooted in the Prairies Project will be announced throughout the remainder of the 2021 year.

“Recipients of our Rooted in the Prairies Project donations will be nominated by people closest to the cause,” says President & CEO, David Hansen. “Nobody knows what a community needs better than those who live there. Maybe it is donating to cover costs for a local rink after a year of COVID-19, maybe it is a foodbank or 4H club. We are giving our seed growers and farmer customers a voice in how we can give back to them and to their communities.”


After 25 years of growing its business and service offerings in Western Canada, CANTERRA SEEDS wants to shine the spotlight on the people, places and partnerships who have shaped the company as it continually evolves to deliver on its vision – “To be the company that best understands and meets the seed needs of farmers.”

Along with its charitable giving campaign, CANTERRA SEEDS will be using its platforms this year to share a wealth of stories focusing on celebrating its partnerships throughout the past quarter-century and looking to the future.

“We’re leaving no stone unturned when celebrating our supporters and partners who have made CANTERRA SEEDS what it is today,” says Hansen. “There are our founders who set our course, our retail partners who work tirelessly providing the best in seed and service to farmers and our seed breeding partners shaping the next 25 years of our company’s commitment and investment in Canadian seed development.”

Learn more about CANTERRA SEEDS Rooted in the Prairies Project at canterra.com/rooted-project.

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