Team Members

Krista Gagne
Communications Lead
Phone: 204-451-6358
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
About Krista Gagne
Krista (or “Eagle Eye” as we sometimes call her) is our Communications Lead and is expertly skilled at finding errors that just about everyone else missed, which keeps our brand looking sharp. Responsible for all things social media, website, PR, email marketing, strategy, ad campaigns, writing and presentations (& more!) – she is an invaluable member of our marketing team.
Krista started her career in Agriculture with the Manitoba Turkey Producers before landing in the marketing agency world with Think Shift. In her role as Account Executive, she worked on accounts such as Monsanto (now Bayer), ADAMA, and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers where she led branding initiatives, strategy planning and marketing execution. She has two young children who are always keeping her busy – yet she still finds time to play volleyball on a women’s rec league team and can be found trying a new project out on the Cricut.
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