PeltaTM, a seed pelleting technology, is a game changer for canola. It creates uniformly-sized seeds resulting in efficiencies through your precision equipment, improved crop establishment and simplified crop management. CANTERRA SEEDS is an exclusive seed partner of Syngenta Canada's Pelta technology, offering it on our top canola hybrids.
So, what is PeltaTM and why does it matter?
Developed by Syngenta, Pelta is a seed pelleting technology specifically designed for canola seeds. The primary aim of Pelta is to create uniform seed size, which enables more precise singulation of seeds while planting or seeding your canola. The uniform seed placement achieved using Pelta provides several advantages throughout the growing season.
Uniform seed placement leads to more even crop establishment and consistent stands. With consistent plant stands, you can expect simplified crop management throughout the season including your pesticide spray timing and harvest management decisions.
Pelta has also shown that it has the potential to improve plant survivability by up to 40% in replicated studies conducted by Syngenta. This increase in survival rates translates to healthier, and more uniform canola crops, ultimately leading to higher yields and increased profitability.
Enhanced Seed Treatment Application 
Pelta offers a unique opportunity to apply the same amount of seed treatment active ingredient to each individual seed, creating a “dose of active ingredient per seed” of protection rather than a “dose per bag” where each seed is not necessarily treated equally due to their differing sizes. This uniform application maximizes the seedling’s chances of combating early-season diseases and insects in the field with Syngenta’s combination of Helix® Saltro® and Fortenza® Advanced.
Over the past two years, Pelta technology was primarily targeted at farms using planters to plant their canola. This year, an exciting development is the broader testing of Pelta seed through seeders, in addition to planters, to understand how it can be a benefit to multiple equipment types. Stay tuned for more data this fall!
We invite you to witness the power of “Pelta sizing your seed” firsthand. Reach out to your local CANTERRA SEEDS Territory Manager or Syngenta SeedCare representative to learn more and arrange a visit to the field this summer. Or, if you're in the Saskatoon-area between July 18-20, 2023, visit us at Ag in Motion to see Pelta in action.
See the results for yourself and discover how Pelta technology can revolutionize your canola planting and crop management practices.