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    As we approach seeding season, it’s time for those growing soybeans to start thinking about keeping an eye out for soybean diseases, like Phytophthora root rot. The dry weather last year in many parts of Western Canada kept soybean diseases at bay, but it doesn’t mean that the threat isn’t there for 2019.

  • This article was featured in the March 2019 issue of The Grain Exchange, a joint e-newsletter from the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commission. Written by: Geoff Geddes | Word Warrior Whether launching a new wheat variety or a rocket, the process is similar: Spend years researching and planning, then cross your fingers and hope it takes off. As it turns out, the recent launch of AAC Crossfield by CANTERRA SEEDS in partnership with the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) was not only successful; it was historic.

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    The snow is starting to melt! It’s perfect hoodie wearing season!! Yes… hoodie, not bunnyhug, not pullover or jumper, poncho or kangaroo jacket… It’s a HOODIE! Before I get into the specifics of what this garment is called, let me tell you about our contest! A few lucky winners will receive a CANTERRA SEEDS hoodie - just fill out the form below with your contact information and size of sweatshirt before April 15, 2019.

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    Diversity of crops is critical to be able to farm sustainably here in Western Canada, and to ensure long term profitability. This is easier said than done. As farmers, there are many limiting factors of growing certain crop types in certain regions. For example, in the southern Prairies, many are currently debating what to grow with lack of moisture. In the Peace River region, many are limited because of access to markets. The shorter growing season of Western Canada, especially in the northern Prairies, limits what crop types we can grow. Economics and markets also have a major role in a farmer’s decision on what to grow. Even with all these barriers, the benefits of extending your crop rotation greatly outweighs the hassle. Farmers who diversify their crop types on farm can see significant benefits, of which are outlined below.

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    Canadian growers work hard to produce crops to the highest standard to meet the expectations of customers around the world. The Canola Council of Canada and Cereals Canada are reminding growers to protect that reputation and quality by following these 5 Simple Tips during the growing season to ensure your crops are ready for domestic and international markets.

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    By now, you should have heard about the exciting new canola system launching in Canada this year. TruFlex™ canola with Roundup Ready® Technology maximizes yield potential by using elite germplasm combined with a second-generation glyphosate-tolerant trait that provides a wider spray window and broader flexibility over glyphosate application rates. This leads to superior weed control and ultimately better yields.  

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    Support for Registration Marks Key Milestone for Canadian Wheat Breeding March 5, 2019 – Winnipeg, MB – CANTERRA SEEDS and Limagrain announced today that Limagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC) has received support from the Prairie Grain Development Committee to register its first two new wheat varieties. The support for registration of these two new varieties is a milestone for LCRC and marks an important day for Canadian wheat breeding.

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    There are several things to consider when deciding on the right canola variety for your farm. Some place higher priority on shatter tolerance whereas others look more closely at disease resistance, or herbicide tolerance, or contract premium options. The decisive factor for most is what trait, or combination thereof, will allow them to reach their yield aspirations and ultimately give them the best return on investment. Here are some things to consider when looking at each of these variety characteristics:

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