The 5-Step Journey to Certified Wheat Seed
The concept of Certified seed is one that is understood by most farmers in Western Canada. But when asked to describe the 5-step journey to Certified wheat seed, can you name all of the steps?
The concept of Certified seed is one that is understood by most farmers in Western Canada. But when asked to describe the 5-step journey to Certified wheat seed, can you name all of the steps?
Every year many growers are faced with the decision whether or not to buy new wheat seed, or to go back to their bin. At first, it may seem as though going to the bin is the least expensive option. In fact, there are many ways that buying new Certified wheat seed can improve your ROI.
This article is republished with permission from the Canaryseed Development Commission. For more information please visit
It’s January, and that means trade show season is upon us! For those of us that attend every major show in Western Canada it can be a long few weeks, but if you plan your visit and take these 6 tips to prepare, you can get the most out of your trade show experience!
What are the Canola Performance Trials? The CPT or Canola Performance Trials are a grower-funded, third-party testing initiative that’s regarded as one of the best sources for unbiased data on the most popular canola varieties on the market. The CPTs have been published for many years, and growers have made it known that they value this type of data and would like it to continue. In a 2015 survey, 90% of respondents said data from an independent third-party source was either somewhat or very important to them.
The Canola Performance Trials (CPT) are run by the Canola Council of Canada, with support funding from the three provinical canola grower groups. They aim to provide unbiased performance data that reflects actual production practices, and comparative data on leading varieties and newly introduced varieties. What do the 2017 CPT results say?
Ready for a bin-busting canola for 2018? Look no further than the new CS2300.
CANTERRA SEEDS is pleased to announce AAC Connect 2-Row malting barley has been added to the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre's (CMBTC) recommended list of malting barley varieties for the 2018/2019 season.
Recently, growers in Western Canada may have been noticing an increased incidence of blackleg appearing in their canola crops, even in varieties with an “R” rating. It is believed that some blackleg resistance genes are losing their effectiveness on the Prairies. To help growers manage blackleg and reduce their risk for the disease, a new model has been developed to classify blackleg resistance. The new model is composed of two parts:
The new CWRS from CANTERRA SEEDS has been added to Warburtons IP Program for the 2018 growing season on a market development basis. AAC Cameron VB is a new, high yielding CWRS with resistance to the orange blossom wheat midge. It is higher yielding than Unity VB, with a significantly better lodging resistance. It has also been shown to have the lowest levels of FHB among CWRS vareities tested by Manitoba Agriculture. Find out more about AAC Cameron VB