• This article was featured in the March 2019 issue of The Grain Exchange, a joint e-newsletter from the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commission. Written by: Geoff Geddes | Word Warrior Whether launching a new wheat variety or a rocket, the process is similar: Spend years researching and planning, then cross your fingers and hope it takes off. As it turns out, the recent launch of AAC Crossfield by CANTERRA SEEDS in partnership with the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) was not only successful; it was historic.

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    Canadian growers work hard to produce crops to the highest standard to meet the expectations of customers around the world. The Canola Council of Canada and Cereals Canada are reminding growers to protect that reputation and quality by following these 5 Simple Tips during the growing season to ensure your crops are ready for domestic and international markets.

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    Support for Registration Marks Key Milestone for Canadian Wheat Breeding March 5, 2019 – Winnipeg, MB – CANTERRA SEEDS and Limagrain announced today that Limagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC) has received support from the Prairie Grain Development Committee to register its first two new wheat varieties. The support for registration of these two new varieties is a milestone for LCRC and marks an important day for Canadian wheat breeding.

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    One weed spent its time travelling across the Prairies last year. Kochia is showing up in more fields year after year, and quickly developing resistance to multiple groups of herbicides. The relatively dry spring and hot, dry summer we had in many parts of Western Canada in 2018 was extremely favourable to this troublesome tumbleweed. Here’s a quick guide on how to identify and control kochia before it sets seed in your fields.

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    This year, CANTERRA SEEDS will be brewing more connections in the craft beer industry. Back in 2018, our love of malting barley and tasty beers drove us to partner with Red Shed Malting and a few other contacts in the beer industry to create our first craft beer, Connect the Plots (see our blog post). After being enjoyed throughout the summer at fields tours and farm shows, we decided to continue our quest of seeing other AAC Connect-based beers come to fruition.

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    Dry. That was the word to describe much of the Prairies in 2018. With lower than normal rainfall for the second year in a row, drought was top-of-mind for a lot of growers. While it wasn’t unexpected, this was confirmed by a recent poll – 69% of participants told us that drought was their number one challenge last year, beating out grain quality, too much moisture and disease/insect pressure.

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    The following article was provided by the Alberta Wheat Commission. At one time, collaboration among the public sector, private enterprise and farmers towards a common goal seemed like a fairytale. With the launching of the 4P Canada Prairie Spring (CPS) agreement in 2015, however, the fantasy became reality in historic fashion.

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    For the second year in a row, CANTERRA SEEDS partnered with Bushels for Broken Arrow, a program created to help raise money for the Broken Arrow Youth Ranch. The ranch provides a safe home for children whose parents are overwhelmed with personal issues such as addictions, abuse and family illness. Bushels for Broken Arrow allows farmers/supporters to put in a field of wheat and the money from the harvested grain of that crop is donated to the ranch. In 2017, we had great success with AAC Cameron VB wheat when we were launching the variety. CANTERRA SEEDS, along with in-kind support from some of our shareholders, were able to raise $86,000 for the Broken Arrow Youth Ranch.

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